First name
Last name
Phone number
WWCC Number Note: Your Date of Birth is requested at interview stage to allow your WWCC to be validated
Please list your completed Degrees/Diplomas, year completed and University/College/TAFE. (e.g., Bachelor of Education (Secondary), 2022, UNSW; Certificate IV in Office Administration, 2010, TAFE)ext Area
Note: At a minimum, your terms and conditions of employment are managed in accordance with the Christian Schools NSW (Teachers) Multi-Enterprise Agreement 2023 (or subsequent versions) as periodically voted on by staff, which can be found on the Fair Work Commission website Find an enterprise agreement | Fair Work Commission ( How many whole years of formal teaching experience do you have? Please list separately any practicum teaching experience
What is your NESA number? (Optional)
Which subject area(s) / year cohorts do you prefer to teach? List 1st, 2nd and 3rd Teaching/Grades
For Primary School Teachers Only Please list grades taught, number of years on each grade and year last taught, indicating any multi-grade classes (Optional)
For Secondary School Teachers Only Please list subjects taught, number of years on each subject, highest level taught and year last taught (Optional) (e.g., English, 5 years, Year 12, 2023)
Other Skills/Comments What other skills or interests do you have that might benefit this role or the school generally? (Optional)Text Field
Have you further comments regarding your application which you would like us to know about? (Optional)
Your Church & Faith Which church do you currently attend?
Frequency of attendance?
In what ways are you involved in your church? (Optional)
Other community involvement? (Optional)
In your own words write a brief testimony of your Christian faith. At a minimum, please cover how long you have been a Christian, the role that Jesus Christ plays in your life, and your view on the authority of the Bible.
Your Referees Please list two recent professional referees and a church minister/pastor referee. Note: Referees will only be contacted after the first interview. *(Names, Positions, Organisations, Contact phone numbers)
Statement of Faith Please refer to the Recommended Readings on the Covenant Website in relation to the following Statement of Faith questions Please choose Agree to all Don't agree
I agree that the information entered above is true and correct and agree to submit this to Covenant Christian School to apply for the above-mentioned position.